Monday, March 5, 2012

Cute Cashier Making My Day

This weekend my friends and I made a trip to the health food store about 30 minutes away. One of my besties is on a special diet where she can only eat certain types of sugars so we had to help her get stocked up!

In case you all were not aware health food stores are prime places to meet cute boys that may be slightly hipster or at least healthy. Plus all the stuff provides tons of opportunities to get a cute guys opinion on if that mineral water is really better than tap.

While we were checking out my friend and I were discussing this unusual chocolate flavor, Chile Cherry Dark Chocolate, and whether or not it would actually be yummy. The moderately cute, in a skinny hipster sort of way, cashier overheard us and said he'd give us one for free if we would eat it.


If you were offered free chocolate you cannot tell me you wouldn't jump all over that and just be giddy! And it was a huge expensive chocolate bar!! Which was delicious by the way. Kind of spicy but sweet at the same time.

Since this cashier gave me free chocolate and I'm a single girl it was immediately decided that he must have been in love with me. (My best friend Matt denies that this would be possible since we only had about 15-35 seconds of interaction.) BUT even on the chocolates packaging it says "give to someone you love." And on top of that there is a love poem inside.

Clearly this cashier knew all of that and knew I would read into immensely, which is why he gave me the chocolate in the first place. It was his subtle way of saying, "We are definitely soul mates now come back around the register and I will romantically dip you.

Ok, reality check, that's probably not what he meant at all. In fact he was probably supposed to give out a free chocolate ever certain number of customers. But I like to pretend it was me that was so special. I'll probably never see this cute cashier again but if I do you better believe I'm making a move!!


  1. hahaha. =) I hope you get dipped (as in dancing) by him one day!

    1. Ahh you're sweet!! Hopefully someday I will find a boy that will!

  2. hahah!! SO funny! I love reading your writing!! The flavour sounds weird..spicy and sweet eh! Hope your week is off to a great start!!

    1. Thank you Liz!! It is a weird flavor but it's sooo good!

  3. bahaha i love this! I want you to waltz back into that store and give that guy you numba! :) o and I've tried that chocolate as well (although mine was NOT from a cute hipster register guy, rather my Gammy), and it was delicious! Surprisingly so! :)

  4. Lol! Nice post, Hayley! Keep us updated! :)

  5. Don't sell yourself short! He was TOTALLY in love with you. Lol. Love it so so much :)

  6. Hayley, you crack me up! He's totally in love with you, but was definitely playing it cool in his hipster/skinny way, but I know romantically dipping you, duh!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I know I just am not familiar enough with hipster wooing yet.

  7. LOL! I totally cracked up at this post! I love your sense of humor and I can totally relate to the whole reading too much into a simple gesture (which I always do)!

    And if you do meet him again, go for it!
